How aquaholik Water Purifier treats your water

aquaHolik Reverse osmosis filter eliminates germs, viruses and heavy metals which are small as 0.0001μm and lets through only dissolved oxygen and pure water molecules to give to you cleaner water than ever before possible.
STAGE 1: PRE FILTER 0.5 MICRON PP CARTRIDGEFunctions : PP Filter Removes suspended impurities in water like sand, dust, dirt, rust, silt etc.
STAGE 2: INLINE SEDIMENT CARTRIDGEFunctions : aquaholik Sediment eliminates other particles that can harm the RO membrane.
STAGE 3 : PRE CARBON FILTERFunctions : aquaholik Pre Carbon Filter Removes Color, Odor, Free Chlorine and also absorbs insecticides and pesticides.
STAGE 4 : R. O. MEMBRANEFunctions : aquaholik Membrane Eliminates Toxins, Chemicals, Total Dissolved Solids(TDS), Viruses and Bacteria.
STAGE 5 : POST CARBON FILTERFunctions : aquaholik® Post Carbon Filter restores the natural taste of water
STAGE 6 : ULTRA VIOLATE STERILIZATIONFunctions : Any Remaining Bacteria are Sterilized at This Stage with aquaHolik UV Chamber
STAGE 7 : ULTRA FILTRATION MEMBRANE (UF FILTER)Functions : aquaholik UF Membrane processes to remove bacteria and other microorganisms, particulate material, which can impart color, tastes, and odors 
STAGE 8 : MINERAL CARTRIDGEFunctions : aquaholik Mineral Cartridge acts towards making small water clusters which adds energy to water Makes addition of minerals and maintains a perfect balance of ph.
STAGE 9 : ACTIVATED COPPERFunctions : aquaholik  The kindness of copper with calcium, magnesium & zinc. Active copper water filter cartridge is very effective copper mineral filter. Which helps to gain all water soluble vits and convert acidic conditions of water into alkaline water.
STAGE 10 : BIOCERA AAA+ Functions : aquaholik  Bio+ AAA mineral cartridge acts towards post purification treatment of water. Ergonomically designed Bio+ AAA filter will help in absorbing the harmful elements present in water along with maintaining of PH balance of water. 
STAGE 11 : VITAMIN B12Functions : aquaholik  applies health sustaining minerals such as Ca, K, Na, Mg to help metabolism Contains smaller water clusters (51.497 Hz) that hydrates the body up to 3 times more effectively than normal water.